About Tammi “WyndRavin” Rager
Tammi walks a shamanistic/wiccan path in life and is a life-long student of life. She began her studies of myths/lore in childhood which was expanded to cover numerous topics over time. She is well-versed and proficient in Tarot, Stones/Crystals, Numerology (multiple systems), Astrology, Symbology, Dream Interpretation and the Akashic Records.
Where did the name “WyndRavin” come from?
Through study and visions, Tammi was given this name to represent her spiritual path. Her spirit name has been blessed by several holy/traditional people as well. In 2020, her name was changed to represent her growth but she has choosen not to share this publically.
Types of Services offered
At this time, Tammi offers Numerology Reports which are sent to clients via email as PDFs. There are currently three reports available under the “Items Available” tab in the navigation menu.
Advanced Master Numerologist
Tammi has studied Numerology for over 35 years and this includes several systems of Numerology. She has also discovered and published previously overlooked influences which are used by other numerologists now. Tammi was given this title to reflect her work, proficiency and expertise.
International Clientele
Tammi has worked with clients around the world (at times through an interpreter due to language barriers). She works extensively and through retainers with several Fortune 500 companies, celebrities, recording artists and more.
Akashic Record services
Tammi will work one-on-one with clients to provide insights, wisdom and guidance from the Akashic Records (Library of the Soul) but does not offer these services publically at this time. The Akashic Records is for serious guidance and by working with an individual, it is possible that another type of reading might be best suited for the information a client needs or seeks. An Akashic Record session with Tammi starts at $250 and will require advance scheduling. If you are interested in this type of service, please send her an email.